Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team


Holocaust Economics




Aktion Reinhard Balance Sheet


Title: "Document 4024-PS: [Economic Development of Action Reinhardt], Part 01-09 [partial translation]"


In Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Supplement A: Closing Address, Closing Arguments, Closing Statements; Documents Introduced in Evidence By British and American Prosecutors. District of Columbia: GPO, 1947. pp. 744-770.

Author: US Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality

Accession Number: AC_94X_09672 Publication Date: PD_19470101. Document Type: Government Document. Source Document Language(s): English See Also Related Document Supersets: ANCA; NCA; NWCT Country of Publication: USA


Fulltext: TOP SECRET

The Higher SS and Police Chief in the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Coast

Trieste, 1/5/1944.

Gl./Go.-Diery No. 1/44 Top Secret PK.

To the Reichsfuehrer SS and Reich Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler Berlin


I am taking the liberty of submitting to you in the enclosed a report on the economic development of the Action Reinhardt, as you, Reichsfuehrer, ordered in your letter of 9/22/1943 that I should have this completed and submitted by 12/31/1943. However the recognition given me for the Action also impels me to give you, Reichsfuehrer, an account of the economic side, in order that you, Reichsfuehrer, may thereby see that in this respect also, the work was in order. Though SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl has not yet had time to take over, I nevertheless hope that these data will be of assistance.

A proper winding up and my relief is necessary because I carried out this activity within the framework of the SS and it must therefore be wound up in a proper manner with regard to the competent Reich authorities. The Action Reinhardt was also too dangerous.

In addition, however, a certain odium still rests upon me to the effect that in all economic matters I do not maintain the necessary order, and in this respect I must advance indisputable proof that this is not so.

The total accounting is composed of two parts:

  • The economic part of the Action Reinhardt with the subdivisions a. Accounting and delivery of the assets seized and b. Accounting of the assets attained by the work.

  • The Settlers' Economic Association, the conduct of whose economy also rested on my work, and which is now being transferred to civilian hands.

 There is one additional factor to be added to the total accounting of "Reinhardt" which is that the vouchers dealing with it must be destroyed as soon as possible after the data have already been destroyed by all other works concerned in this matter. With regard to the SWG (Settlers' Economic Association), the question is not only the financial order, but also a transfer so that this institution may be maintained for the settlers.

Only after I have been relieved of both matters will my functions in both be terminated. I request, Reichsfuehrer, that you lay down a deadline by which the final winding up has to be completed on the spot on the basis of my data.

I have taken the liberty of sending a copy to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl.

Heil Hitler Yours obediently [signed] GLOBOCNIK

[Rubber Stamp:] Personal Staff, Reichsfuehrer SS, Rec'd: 1/10/1944. Diary No. 1851?44 Top Secret To: RF

4 copies, first copy


Economic Aspect of the Action Reinhardt, gathered together in the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office--Special Task "G", which I am in charge of and of which I have not been relieved:

The entire Action Reinhardt is divided into four spheres: A. The expulsion itself. B. The employment of labour. C. The exploitation of property. D. Seizure of hidden goods and landed property. [=]

A.     The Deportation

This is settled and completed. In this case the prerequisite was to get hold of the people with the small forces available and to cause as little economic damage as possible to war production by methodically appropriate measures. On the whole this was achieved. Considerable damage occurred only in Warsaw, where, owing to ignorance of the position, the methods applied in the final action were entirely wrong.

I was no longer able to carry out the action in Litzmannstadt (Lodz) myself because of my transfer.

The equipment which was provided for this action from seized goods, which however are to be considered as Reich property, have been removed completely. For reasons of surveillance in each camp a small farm was created which is occupied by an expert.

An income must regularly be paid to him so that he can maintain the small farm.

Employment of Man Power

The entire manpower was put into closed camps, to which essential war production was transferred.

For this purpose the following conditions had to be created:

1.     Erection of all camps.

Erection of work shops with all the working equipment, such as the installation of machinery, power supply, etc.

The organization of provisions, by making use of the TWL's as well as by the creation of farms in the vicinity of the camps.

Equipment for the establishment of adequate sanitation and hygiene.

Security measures.

a.    Achieved by adequate security precautions

By organizing a security organization within the camp

by adequate guarding

For this purpose the SS guards were developed, the overwhelming majority of whom carried out their duties satisfactorily led by Germans.

Their reliability was to be increased by mixing these guards with Reich German guards from the concentration camps. The preconditions for a satisfactory security system were created by these camps being taken over by the concentration camp department of the SS Economy and Administrative Head Office.

The proper administration and methodical treatment were made possible thanks to extensive training of the German leading personnel. It became apparent that the working capacity of the Jews in the camps was constantly increasing.

By the creation of a works management and factory conditions the technical and commercial aspects were ensured. For this purpose the "Osti" was created and as second works management the German Equipment Works (Deutsche Ausruestungswerke). A total of 18 works was established; it was intended to add more. About 52,000 workers were available. These conditions of work made it possible to accept urgent orders both from the Armament Inspectorate and from Speer, the Reich Ministry, and thus to replace bombed out works.

The demand from these offices was considerable. "Osti" and the German Equipment Works were firms under my own supervision, whereas other concerns, such as the Heinkel aircraft works were only looked after by me.

Enclosure 1 contained factory reports and output figures. The number of orders was so large that the German Equipment Works (DAW) was fully occupied up to March and the other -factories had enough work for 2-3 months.

Exploitation of Property.

The exploitation of property which was carried out by Reinhardt. It has been completed as shown in Enclosure 2. [=]  Seizure of Hidden Goods.

The seizure of hidden goods and exploitation of landed property is divided into:

1.     Property such as machinery, raw material, etc., handed over by the "Osti" to Aryans. To date the result is 6.3 million Reichsmarks; a further 7-8 million Reichsmarks are yet to be brought in. This seizure had furthermore the advantage that all those were affected who had built up industries for themselves in this manner, with the help of Jews without cost to themselves and had become rich without effort.

Seizure of Jewish assets at home and abroad in that the camp inmates were ordered to cede these claims to the "Osti", which then carried out the recovery. The first attempt resulted in a cession of an amount of 11 million Zloty, at least half of which appeared obtainable. However, since it was also possible to discover money that had been smuggled abroad, this action could have brought valuable foreign currency to the Reich.

Real estate was transferred to the Real Estate Administration of the Government General for exploitation. All the above mentioned arrangements were functioning satisfactorily at the time of my departure. As I received an indication from the Reichsfuehrer SS that a potential transfer might be possible some time during the year, I immediately got down to finally settling and consolidating the organization I had created, and for this purpose handed over the entire organization to the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office.

The measures taken were as follows:

1.      On the 8/13/1943 the SS Training Camp of Trawniki was handed over by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl (see letter of 8/18/1943-Chief A/Fr./S-Enclosure 3).

On the 9/7/1943 in a conference with SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl the taking over of 10 SS Working Camps in the Lublin District as subsidiaries of Lublin Concentration Camp was decided on and in addition the further handing over of further working camps in the Government General. The head of the Lublin Concentration Camp was provided with suitable contracts. This conference was brought about by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger and SS Standartenfuehrer Schell (see file note of the Chief of the SS-WVHA (SS Economic and Administrative Head Office)) of 9/7/1943-D II/L (Ref. No. 29 Ma./F.) (Enclosure 4).

In pursuance thereof, a letter of the Commandant of the Lublin Concentration Camp, dated 9/14/1943 to the SS Working Camps announced that they had become subdiaries of the Lublin Concentration Camp. The mixing of guards of foreign race with the German Concentration Camp guards from the Reich has also been initiated.

On the 10/22/1943 SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl announced that he had ordered taking over of the following Working Camps by Amtsgruppe D: (1) Old Airport Lublin (2) SS Working Camp Trawniki (3) SS Working Camp Poniatowa (4) Forced Labor Camp and SS Workshops in Radom (5) Forced Labor Camp and SS Workshops in Budzyn (6) Main Camp Cracow Placzow (7) German Equipment Works, Lublin (8) Armament stores in Lemberg.

During the conference on 10/22/43, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl stated that I would be replaced as first manager of the "Osti" by the second manager and a new second manager would be appointed. My relief was also approved. I also explained everything fully to my successor and called his attention to his supervisory duty. I thereby created all the conditions for the continuation. The principles of security existed and were guaranteed by the Leadership by the Concentration Camps. The relief has not yet been effected.

On 11/3/1943 the workers were withdrawn from the labor camps and the works shut down. The Camp leaders were not informed of this action although the responsibility rested with them. I was thus impeded in my supervisory duty. I have ordered the Camp Leaders to wind up and continue determining the contracts and/or transferring stocks.

On the day before the evacuation of the camps, General Schindler of the Armaments Inspectorate, Cracow, arranged with the Camp Leaders on the basis of a promise from SS Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger, that (a) In the future only armament contracts were to be given to the labor camps. b. He had received the assurance on 2.11 that a further 10,000 Jews were to be removed for armament work.

It was no longer possible to carry on with this arrangement.

[Sgd] Globocnik. SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of Police.

These enclosures are the papers mentioned in SS Gruppenfuehrer Globocnik's letter of the 1/5/1944. They have been taken out to facilitate depositing.


Report On the Administrative Development of the Action Reinhardt


         I.            All the assets acquired as a result of this Action were centrally mustered by an administration set up by me, duly classified and booked. The muster extends to the entire Government-General. The personnel came from the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office (WVHA).

The utilization and winding up of the assets was carried out on the basis of directives by the Reichsfuehrer SS. During the course of the Action this was summed up in a directive of 9/26/1942 and 12/9/1943, and the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office was given the task of winding up with regard to the Reich authorities.

The assets I collected were regularly delivered to the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office against receipts, and they in turn passed on the assets to the Reichsbank, the Reich Ministry of Finance, textile concerns, etc.

On the orders of the Reichsfuehrer SS, necessary articles could be removed for the maintenance of persons of the German race. The Reichsfuehrer SS forbade any appropriation for the purposes of the SS.

What is remarkable about the accounting is that no hard and fast basis for the amount collected existed, as the collection of the assets was carried out under orders and only the decency and honesty, as well as the surveillance, of the SS men used for this purpose could guarantee a complete delivery. Nevertheless what was seized and collected and received by the Department Reinhardt was listed and delivered without error and with the greatest accuracy. A preliminary examination up to 4/1/1943 by SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Vogt of the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office has already taken place and has revealed perfect order. For the balance, the preliminary examination has still to be carried out.

In accordance with an agreement with the Reich Ministry of Finance, this preliminary examination is final and the vouchers and data will be destroyed in accordance with Security regulations, cutting out the Reich Accounting Office.

The assets accounted for are divided into:

                              1.            Sums of Reichsmarks and Zloty. The entire expenditure transport costs, dues, etc. incurred as a result of this Action were covered from these receipts. By far the greater portion was placed at the disposal of the SS Economist in the Government General and the amounts were credited to the Action Reinhardt in Reichsmarks by the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office by an accounting transaction and handed over to the Reichsbank.

A small portion was used for foreign currency reasons as a credit for various economic enterprises and then also credited by the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office by an accounting transaction.

In addition, differences arising from increases in the price of urgently required raw material supplies were covered. All these transactions were carried out with the consent of the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office. A further amount was placed at the disposal of the Concentration Camp currently for additional building operations, to develop the economic concern and to obtain the necessary agricultural machinery, etc. Exact accounts were kept of this, the purchases were always confirmed by me, and the documents covering this will also be attached to the final account. The accounts were kept by the Administrative Chief of the Concentration Camp and were actually kept separate from my administration, as the Concentration Camp Administration was independent of the SS Garrison Administration Lublin by order of the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office. The authority which finally takes over the concern will have to reimburse Reinhardt for these expenditures.

Foreign Currency in bank notes or coined gold was collected, sorted, and also handed over to the Reichsbank via the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office.

Jewels, jewellery, watches and such like were sorted according to their value and delivered to the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office. On orders from this office, watches of non-precious metals were handed over to the troops, spectacles were repaired and placed at the disposal of wounded persons, and utensils of no value were principally handed over to Wehrmacht authorities to cover urgent needs. The necessary transfer vouchers are available.

Textiles, garments, underclothing, bed feathers and rags were collected and sorted according to their quality. The sorted articles had to be searched for hidden valuables and finally disinfected. More than 1,900 wagons were then placed at the disposal of the authorities named by the Reich Ministry of Economy by order of the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office. Out of these stocks not only foreign workers were clothed but a large portion was used for re-manufacture. No case of sickness became known, although these garments frequently came from persons suffering from spotted typhus. The disinfection therefore was adequate.

The best garments were separated and by order of the Reichsfuehrer SS were used for supplying persons of the German race. Shoes were also sorted according to how far they could be used and then either given to persons of German race or to concentration camps for supplying inmates, or else taken to pieces and used for wooden shoes for supplying inmates.

Individual valuables of a special kind, such as stamps, coins, and such like were sorted and delivered to the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office; worthless articles were destroyed.

Other articles received, such as soap, washing materials, crockery and cutlery, and the like, were used in the Jewish camps; glass, old iron articles, etc., were sent to the salvage centers for re-manufacture.

The food brought on the transports was used to help provision the Jewish camps.

Valuable furniture and household utensils were reconditioned and mainly put at the disposal of settlers of German race. But furniture was also loaned to German and Wehrmacht authorities against an accommodation bill. Inferior goods were either destroyed or given to the population as a reward for good work at the harvest, etc.

It was attempted to take from articles which could no longer be used parts such as locks, hinges, and the like, and to use these elsewhere.

The vouchers pertaining to the loaned articles were submitted monthly to the Higher SS and Police Chief East.

In accordance with the order of the Reichsfuehrer SS of the 22.9, the total takings are now closed, evaluated and passed on, so that there is hardly any mass left now.

Equipment which was necessary for carrying out the Action, such as barracks, camp equipment, vehicles, and such like, which had been purchased out of the monies obtained, is still on hand.

This equipment has been registered. A decision must, however, still be taken as to what purpose it is to serve.

The total value of the articles received is, according to the attached list, approximately 18 million Reichsmarks. However, minimum values have been assured, so that the total value is most likely twice as much, quite apart from the value of the articles obtained which are in short supply, such as textiles, of which alone more than 1900 wagons have been made available to German industry.

[signed] GLOBOCNIK SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of Police [=]


Assets delivered from Action Reinhard


The following assets from the Action "Reinhard" were delivered to the SS Economic and Administrative Head Office, Berlin, for further transmission to the Reichsbank or to the Reich Ministry of Economics:

a.      Reichsmark sums totaling RM 53,013,133.51

Currency in Bank notes from all the principal countries in the world (half a million dollars being particularly to be noted) to a total value of RM 1,452,904.65

Foreign currency in gold coins to a total value of RM 843,802.75

Precious metals (about 1,800 kg. of gold and about 10,000 kg. of silver in bars) to a total value of RM 5,353,943.00

Other valuables such as jewellery, watches, spectacles, etc. (the number of watches being particularly worthy of note - about 16,000 in working order and about 51,000 requiring repair: they have been placed at the disposal of the troops) RM 26,089,800.00

About 1,000 wagons of textiles to a total value of RM 13,294,400.00

Total RM 100,047,983.91

1,000 wagons of textiles and about another 50% of the above mentioned assets - which still have to be counted and valued - are warehoused here. It should be noted here that the estimated values were based on the officially established rates of exchange or prices, which however would be much higher on the open market, for instance in the sale of precious stones or precious metals abroad, as the flight to investments in articles whose value is not subject to much fluctuation is much greater there than with us. Besides these sales abroad bring us foreign currency. If these prices were taken as a basis of evaluation here, this was done in order to be able to give a picture of the assets delivered; in general this evaluation is not authoritative. The value of the acquisition lies principally in the fact that such large quantities of urgently needed raw materials can thereby be gained and that, on the basis of the assets obtained, foreign currency can be brought in, with which raw materials can in turn be bought by Reich authorities.

[Sgd.] Globocnik SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lieut. General of Police.

____________ 1 detailed list enclosed herewith.

List of Jewish property received for delivery up to 3.2.1943, showing values

[Editor's Note: The following tables are reproduced as they appear in original German document although accuracy of calculations is questionable.]

[rubber stamp]

Personal Staff Reichsfuehrer SS Ref. No. Secret/115

1.      Cash in hand:

o        RM 16,931,722.01;

o        Delivery SS-Economist, Cracow: RM 31.5 million;

o        SS-Econ.-Admin. Head Office Berlin-(RB): RM 5.58 million;

[Total]: RM 53 million

Foreign currency in notes:

USA Dollars: 505,046.00 Rate of exchange: 2.50 RM 1.26 million

Pal. Pounds: 1,069.00 9.30 RM 9,941.70

Pengoes: 16,436.00 .60. RM 9,861.00

Roubles: 294,070.00 .10 RM 29,407.00

English Pounds: 3,822.00 9.30 RM 36,644.60

Canadian Dollars: 3,840.76 2.60 RM 9,601.87

Pesetas: 131.00 2.40 RM 314.40

Czech Croons: 789,630.00 .10 RM 78,963.00

French Francs: 22,767.60 .05 RM 1,138.37

Brazilian Francs: 8.00 .09 RM .72

South African Pounds: 28.10 4.40 RM 125.40

Turkish Pounds: .5.50 1.90 RM 10.45

Dutch Gulden: 1,720.00 1.33 RM 2,287.60

Swiss Francs: 7,530.00 5.80 RM 4,367.40

Lira: 883.00 .13 RM 114.79

Levas: 100.00 .01 RM 1.00

Australian Pounds: 15.10 2.60 RM 38.75

Lei: 13,486.00 .02 RM 269.72

Egyptian Pounds: 4.l00 4.40 RM 19.80

Belgas: 4,203.00 .40 RM 1,681.80 Lats: 10.00 .10 RM 1.00

Argent. Pesos: 90.00 1.00 RM 90.00

Paragu.: 10.00 .60 RM 6.00

Swedish Croons: 455.00 .60 RM 273.00

Norwegian Croons: 165.00 .60 RM 99.00

Dinars: 30.00 .05 RM 1.50

Slov. Croons: 59,608.75 .10 RM 5,960.88

Litas 140.00 .10 RM 14.00

[Total]: RM 1,452,904.65

Currency in gold coins:

USA Dollars: 116,425.00 Rate of exchange: 4.20 RM 488,985.00

Roubles: 91,362.00 2.15 RM 196,428.30

English Pounds: 3,822.00 20.40 RM 77,969.00

Austrian Crowns: 30,940.00 .85 RM 26,299.00

Austrian Shillings: 1,975.00 [none] RM 1,185.00

Ducats: 2,366.00 10.00 RM 23,660.00

Finnish marks: 20.00 1.00 RM 20.00

Reichsmarks: 12,730.00 1.00 RM 12,730.00

Zloty: 1,080.00 .50 RM 540.00

Danish Crowns: 230.00 .52 RM 119.60

Czech ducats: 2.00 10.00 RM 20.00

Portuguese reis: 15,000.00 (150 Ese) 1.00 RM 150.00

Pesetas: 25.00 1.50 RM 37.50

French francs: 8,005.00 1.62 RM 12,968.10

So. African Pounds: 2.00 20.40 RM 40.80

Turkish pounds: 47.00 3.50 RM 164.50

Dutch gulden: 315.00 17.00 (f.10 Hf1) RM 535.50

Swiss francs: 490.00 16.50 (f.20 Frs) RM 404.25

Lira: 1,210.00 .50 RM 605.00

Australian pounds: 8.10 20.40 RM 172.60

Lei: 1,140.00 .50 RM 570.00

Belgas: 140.00 .50 RM 70.00

Swedish crowns: 2.00 11.20 RM 22.40

Norwegian Crowns: 35.00 11.20 RM 39.20

Dinars: 30.00 50 RM 5.00

Cuban pesos: 10.00 4.20 RM 42.00

Alb. francs: 20.00 .50 RM 10.00

Total: RM 843,802.75 

Precious metals:

1,775.46 kg. of gold in bars at RM 2,784.00 RM 4,942,870.00;

9,639.34 kg. of silver in bars at RM 40.00 RM 385,573.00;

5.10 kg. of (?) platinum at RM 5,000.00 RM 25,500.00;

Total: RM 5.35 million

Other valuables:

5 Gold revolving pencils: at RM 30.00 RM 150.00

17 Gold fountain pens: at RM 70.00 RM 1,190.00

4 Ladies' platinum watches: at RM 300.00 RM 1,200.00

2,894 Gentlemen's pocket watches, gold: at RM 500.00 RM 1.42 million

578 Gentlemen's wrist watches, gold: at RM 300.00 RM 173,400.00

7,313 Ladies' wrist watches, gold: at RM 350.00 RM 1.82 million

19 Platinum watch cases with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 1,000.00 RM 19,000.00

280 Bracelets with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 3,500.00 RM 980,000.00

6,245 Gentlemen's wrist watches: at RM 10.00 RM 62,450.00

3,455 Gentlemen's pocket watches: at RM 20.00 RM 269,100.00

1 Gentleman's pocket watch-gold with brilliants: at RM 600.00 RM 600.00

179 Ladies' gold watches with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 600.00 RM 107,400.00

7 Ladies' ring watches, gold: at RM 150.00 RM 1,050.00

4 Ladies' fob watches with pearls: at RM 200.00 RM 800.00

394 Ladies' fob watches with brilliants: at RM 600.00 RM 236,400.00

228 Ladies' platinum and brilliant watches: at RM 1,200.00 RM 273,600.00

293 Ladies' fob watches, gold: at RM 250.00 RM 73,250.00

2,324 Spectacles: at RM 3.00 RM 66,972.00

3 prs cuff links with brilliants: at RM 150.00 RM 450.00

1,675 Rings, gold with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 1,500.00 RM 11,675,000.00

7,200 Ladies wrist watches: at RM 10.00 RM 75,000.00

40 Gold brooches: at RM 350.00 RM 14,000.00

1,399 prs gold earrings with brilliants: at RM 250.00 RM 349,750.00

169 Tie pins with brilliants diamonds: at RM 100.00 RM 16,900.00

1,974 Gold brooches with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 2,000.00 RM 3,948,000.00

27 Gold bracelets with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 250.00 RM 6,750.00

49 kg. Pearls: RM 4 million

7,000 Fountain pens: at RM 10.00 RM 70,000.00

130 Single large brilliants: at RM 1,000.00 RM 130,000.00

2 Necklaces with brilliants and diamonds: at RM 1,500.00 RM 3000.00

1 Gold cigarette case: at RM 400.00 RM 400.00

1 Mother of pearl casket: RM 20.00

3 Gold Compacts: at RM 50.00 RM 150.00

2 Mother of Pearl opera glasses: at RM 50.00 RM 100.00

1.44 kg. Corals: RM 150 00

1,370 Watches requiring repair: at RM 5.00 RM 256,850 00

1,000 Revolving pencils: at RM 3.00 RM 3,000.00

350 Shaving equipment: at RM 2.50 RM 875.00

800 Pocket knives: at RM 1.00 RM 800.00 .00

3,240 Money purses: at RM 1.50 RM 4,860.00

1,316 Brief cases: at RM 2.50 RM 3,287.50

1,600 prs Scissors: at RM 0.50 RM 750.00

230 Flashlights: at RM 0.50 RM 115.00

2,554 Alarm clocks requiring repair: at RM 3.00 RM 7,662.00

160 Alarm clocks in running condition: at RM 6.00 RM 960.00

477 Sun glasses: at RM 0.50 RM 238.50

41 Silver cigarette cases: at RM 30.00 RM 1,230.00

230 Clinical thermometers: at RM 3.00 RM 690.00

Total: RM 26,089,800.00


462 Wagons of rags: at RM 700.00 RM 323,400.00

261 Wagons of bed feathers: at RM 10,000.00 RM 2,510,000.00

317 Wagons of clothing and underclothing: at RM 33,000.00 RM 10,461,000.00

Total: RM 13,294,400.00


Cash and cash balance delivered: RM 53 million.

Foreign currency in notes: RM 1.45 million.

Foreign currency in gold coin: RM 843,802.76

Precious metals: 5,353,943.00

Miscellaneous: RM 26 million.

Textiles: 13.29 million

Total: RM 100 million.

Lublin, 2/27/1943.

/S/ [?] SS Sturmbannfuehrer

Situation with Regard to Orders of the Concerns of the SS and Labor Camps in Lublin District on 11/3/1943

·         The situation with regard to orders, according to Industrial concerns:

o        Ostindustrie G.n.b.H. (Eastern Industry Co., F Ltd.), Lublin: ZI 5.55 million. Encl.

o        German Equipment Works, Lublin ZI 7.98 million. Encl.

o        Textile Works, Poniatowa ZI 13 million. Encl.

o        Fur Works, Trawniki ZI 4.63 million. Encl. Total: ZI 31 million. [As it is almost entirely a question of wage. contracts, the situation with regard to orders represents essentially only wage and administration costs.The actual value of production if the concerns had to produce their own materials would therefore have been at least 50% higher.]

This total situation with regard to orders is divided up into the following manufacturing groups:

Lumber: ZI 5.72 million.

Metal: ZI 4.17 million.

Textiles: ZI 10,338,200.00

Leather: ZI 1.967 million.

Furs: ZI 4.81 million.

Others: [Under other manufacturing groups the following are included amongst others: Production of peat or generator coke, the only roofing felt factory in Lublin district, 2 metal-making factories, 1 brush factory, the largest bristle preparing establishment of the Government General, basket and straw plaiting, and printing concerns, production of concrete parts for building huts.] ZI 4.054 million Total: ZI 31.077 million

[signed] GLOBOCNIK

Situation with regard to orders of the "Ostindustrie" G. Ltd., Lublin, the 11/3/1943


II Peat Mine Dorohucza Orders:

420 tons peat coke

4.5 tons tar




Total value in Zloty:



Of which Wehrmacht orders in Zloty:

Civilian orders Zloty:


III Brush Factory Factory for bristles, Wicker works factory:

(1) 724,000 painting brushes and brushes of various kinds

(2) Repairs of 135,000 ammunition baskets

(3) 15,000 kg bristles for dressing


(1) W BA Berlin RWL II of the Waffen-SS etc.

(2) Munition store Lublin

(3) Various deliveries to Navy and to private firms


(1) 1.592 million

(2) 216,000

(3) 210,000


(1) 1.39 million

(2) 216,000

(3) 105,000


(1) 200,000


(3) 105,000


V Mechanical and other factories in Lublin

(1) Production of 1.5 million threaded fuses

(2) Production of 4.5 million buckles

(3) Repairs to 37,500 tin packing receptacles

(4) Taking to pieces of 3,000 gun carriage installations

(5) Repairs to 15,000 motor car component parts

(6) Repairs to about 3,000 watches (or clocks) and other repairs of various kinds

(7) Preparing 18,000 articles of military equipment


(1) Navy (Planning Syndicate)

(2) Cossack division (Army) others

(3) Munition store, Lublin

(4) Airforce (Planning Syndicate)

(5) HKP Lublin

(6) Navy and civilian firms

(7) Factory Kienle Stuggart for Navy


(1) 1.35 million

(2) 1.62 million

(3) 150,000

(4) 40,000

(5) 75,000

(6) 60,000

(7) 25,200


(1) 1,350,000

(2) 1.62 million

(3) 150,000

(4) 40,000

(5) 75,000

(6) 15,000

(7) 25,200

(6) 45,000


Total value in Zloty: 5.55 million Of which

Wehrmacht orders in Zloty:

5.198 million Civilian orders in Zloty: 354,500


The above figures for orders include, together with the current orders for permanent orders, figures for 3 months only. [=]

Enclosure 2

Situation with Regard to Orders of the German Equipment Works-Works Lublin on 11/3/1943


Manufacturing Group:


Total value in Zloty: 5,728,000.00

Of this:

Wehrmacht Orders in Zloty: 3.899 million

Available Orders in Zloty: 1.82 million

Metal: 151,000.00 130,000.00 21,000.00

Textiles: 28,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00

Leather: 660,000.00 570,000.00 90,000.00

Others: 1.422 million 162,000.00 1.26 million


7.989 million

4.775 million

3.21 million


Note.The above figures of orders contain, besides the current orders, figures for three months only for permanent orders.

The German equipment works were the best developed works.

41 Aryan leading personnel ran 5,445 Jewish workers who worked 1.115 million working days in the first 10 months of the year 1943 with 31 million Zloty in the bank and till.

Woodworking was in the foreground, 7,600 square meters [Editor's note: Cubic meters are obviously meant] of wood being dealt with.

Shoemaking also rose to 337,250 pairs and was to be raised to 450,000 pairs by the repair work shop which is being newly added.

331,700 square meters of roofing felt were produced during this period.

Woodworking was to have been extended considerably by the purchase of a sawmill of their own and the by-products utilized, as the production of wood for producer gas and the making of charcoal; the tar produced thus could again have been used in the production of roofing felt.

Another considerable production was the manufacturing of 2,500 Finnish tents and the monthly preparation of 25,000 packing containers.

71,000 knapsacks and haversacks were also repaired.

5,000 optical instruments were taken to pieces.

1,270 motor cars were repaired.

Production in 1944 is said to have been:

Wood cut: 20,000 cubic meters

Manufacture of shelter equipment: 15,000 units

Doors, windows, shelves: .20,000 units

Bell tents: 5,000 units

Preparation of packing containers: 250,000 units

Wooden soles: 6,000 units

Brush handles: 4.8 million units

Fuel for wood-burners: 2,0000 Rm.

Charcoal: 4,500 Kg.

Roofing felt: 2 million Sq. m.

The capacity is best shown by the fact that 312 working unions of the partisans in the government, generally, did not even have twice the turnover of the DAW alone. The orders were covered by 83% work for the Wehrmacht and 17% for the civil field.

Situation with regard to orders of the textile works 11/3/1943

Manufacturing Group: Textile orders

Production and repair of 1.53 million articles of clothing of all kinds.

Customer: Wehrmacht primarily HBA. Warsaw and Posen and HBA, Berlin and civilian firms.

Total value in Zloty: 10.28 million

Of this:

Wehrmacht orders in Zloty: 7.2 million

Civilian Orders in Zloty: 3.085 million

Fur clothing:

Production of 28,100 articles of fur clothing of various kinds

Wehrmacht 280,000 280,000

Leather goods.

Production of 132,000 articles or pairs of leather goods of various kinds.

Wehrmacht 1.31 million 1.31 million

Iron orders.

Production of nuts.

Working Syndicate D-OKH 725,000 725,000

Reinforced concrete construction.

Production of 20,200 reinforced concrete nuts.

Ministry of Armaments Speer (Armament-construction) 400,000 400,000

[Total]: 13 million 9.91 million 3.085 million

Note.-The above figures of orders contain, besides the current orders, figures for 3 months only for permanent orders. [=]

Appendix 2

Provisional balance sheet of the Action "Reinhardt" till, Lublin, for 12/16/1943

The following money and stocks were brought to the German Reich during the course of the Action "Reinhardt", Lublin, during the period 4/1/1942-12/15/1943 inclusive:


Cash in hand Income: RM 17,470,796.66

To the Reichsbank Berlin, Reichsmark notes and coins RM 3,979,623.60

To the Reichsbank Berlin, Zloty notes and coins RM 5,000,461.00

To the SS economist, Cracow RM 60,416,181.37

Loans for SS industrial concerns RM 8,218,878.36

Income from title 21/E RM 656,062.40

Total RM 85,741,903.28


Personal taxes, title 21/7a Expenditure RM 96,207.28

Expenditure in goods (of which about 40% for J-Transports title 21/7b) RM 11,765,552.62

Counterfeit money (Zloty notes) RM 28,062.64

Total RM 11,889,822.54


Income RM 85,741,903.28

Expenditure RM 11,889,822.64

Net income RM 73,862,080.74

[Totals] RM 86,741,903.28 RM 86,741,903.28

Precious Metals:

236 Gold bars 2,909.68 kg at RM 2,800.00 RM 8,147,104.00

2,134 Silver bars 18,733.69 kg at RM 40.00 RM 749,347.60

Platinum 15.44 kg at RM 6,000.00 RM 77,200.00

[Total]: RM 8,973,651.60

Foreign Currency in Notes:

USA Dollars 1,081,521.40 at RM 2.50 RM 2,703,803.50

English Pounds 15,646.11 at RM 9.30 RM 145,512.80

Palestine Pounds 4,922.60 at RM 9.30 RM 45,779.25

Canadian Dollars 8,966.25 at RM 2.50 RM 22,415.62

Roubles 2,454,278.36 at RM 0.10 RM 245,427.84

French Francs 1,468,486.35 at RM 0.05 RM 73,424.31

Swiss Francs 119,302.33 at RM 6.80 RM 691,953.51

Lire 6,465.08 at RM 0.10 RM 646.50

Protectorate Croons 1,746,601.60 at RM 0.10 RM 174,560.15

Turkish Pounds 39.60 at RM 1.90 RM 75.05

Belgas 12,449.25 at RM 0.40 RM 4,979.70

Lei 55,975.54 at RM 0.02 RM 1,119.51

South African Pounds 119.50 at RM 4.40 RM 525.80

Dutch Gulden 133,986.95 at RM 1.33 RM 178,202.64

Levas 9,995,421.00 at RM 0.01 RM 59,954.21

Australian Pounds 55.00 at RM 2.50 RM 137.50

Diners 435,641.00 at RM 0.05 RM 21,782.06

Karbowanetz 164,169.00 RM 0.10 RM 16,416.90

Pengoes 28,392.50 at RM 0.60 RM 17,035.50

Slov. Croons 103,538.35 at RM 0.10 RM 10,353.84

Drachmas 4,875,419.70 at RM 0.02 RM 97,508.29

Swedish Croons 4,377.00 at RM 0.60 RM 2,626.20

Norwegian Croons 775.00 at RM 0.60 RM 465.00

Argentinian Pesos 977.55 at RM 1.00 RM 977.55

Pesetas 1,471.00 at RM 2.40 RM 3,530.40

Finnish Marks 1,140.00 at RM 0.05 RM 57.00

Danish Croons 1,270.00 at RM 0.52 RM 660.40

Brazilian Milreis 63.00 at RM 0.09 RM 5.67

Egyptian Pounds 20.00 at RM 4.40 RM 88.00

Liras 175.00 at RM 0.10 RM 17.50

Yen (Japanese) 4.00 at RM 0.50 RM 2.00

Lats 20.00 at RM 0.10 RM 2.00

Paraguayan Pesos 12.00 at RM 0.60 7.20

Cuban Pesos 57.00 at RM 0.60 RM 28.20

Uruguayan Pesos 1.00 at RM 0.60 RM 0.60

Bolivian Pesos 4.50 at RM 0.60 2.70

Mexican Pesos 3.00 at RM 0.50 RM 1.50

Albanian Francs 195.44 at RM 0.10 RM 19.54

Rhodesian Pounds 8.00 at RM 4.00 RM 32.00

New Zealand Pounds 0.10 at RM 4.00 2.00

Algerian Francs 30.00 at RM 0.10 RM 3.00

Lux. Francs 40.00 at RM 0.50 20.00

Javan Gulden 10.00 at RM 1.30 RM 13.00

Danzig Gulden 1,038.00 at RM 1.00 RM 1,038.00

Columbian Pesos 1.00 at RM 0.60 RM 0.60

Mozambique Escudos 1.00 at RM 0.60 RM 0.60

Manchukuo Cents 15.00 at RM 0.50 RM 7.50

Chinese Dollars 1.00 at RM 1.50 RM 1.50

Total 4,521,224.13

Currency in gold coins:

USA Dollars 249,771.50 at RM 4.20 RM 1,049,040.30

English Pounds 610.00 at RM 20.40 RM 12,444.00

Roubles 189,053.00 at RM 2.15 RM 425,813.95

Austrian Crowns 73,230.00 at RM 0.85 RM 62,245.00

French Francs 38,870.00 at RM 1.62 RM 62,969.40

Reichsmarks 23,485.00 at RM 1.00 RM 23,485.00

Portuguese Reis 20,000.00 at RM 200 Esc 1.00 RM 200.00

Swiss Francs 6,970.00 at RM 16.50 (f.20 Frs) RM 23,001.00

Ducats 6,614.00 at RM 10.00 RM 66,140.00

Lire 3,740.00 at RM 0.50 RM 1,870.00

Austrian Shillings 2,925.00 at RM 2.3 RM 1.950.00

Turkish Pounds 417.75 at RM 3.50 RM 1,462.12

Belgas 1,740.00 at RM 0 50 RM 870.00

Levas 30.00 at RM 0.50 RM 15.00

Lei 1,177.50 at RM 0.50 RM 588.75

South African Pounds .4,00 at RM 20.40 RM 81.60

Dutch Gulden 905.00 at RM 17.00 (f.10 Fl) RM 1,538.50

Australian Pounds 7.00 at RM 20.40 RM 142.80

Dinars 41.00 at RM 0.50 RM 20.50

Swedish Crowns 30.00 at RM 11.20 (f.10 Kr) RM 33.60

Norwegian Crowns 55.00 at RM 11.20 (f.10 Kr) RM 61.60

Pesetas 50.00 at RM 1.50 RM 75.00

Finnish Marks 80.00 at RM 1.00 RM 80.00

Zloty 2,060.00 at RM 0.50 RM 1,030.00

Danish Crowns 360.00 at RM 11.20 (f.10 Kr) RM 403.20

Czechoslovakian Ducats 17.00 at RM 10.00 RM 170.00

Yen 2.00 at RM 0.50 RM 1.00

Cuban Pesos 10.00 at RM 4.20 RM 42.00

Mexican Pesos 111.50 at RM 4.20 RM 468.00

Albanian Francs 20.00 at RM 0.50 RM 10.00

Jugoslavian Ducats 1.00 at RM 5.00 RM 5.00

Tunisian Francs 180.00 at RM 1.62 RM 291.60

Peruvian Libre 1.00 at RM 1.00 RM 1.00

Chilean Dollars 1.00 at RM 4.20 RM 4.20

Total RM 1,736,554.12

Jewellery and other valuables:

15,883 Rings, gold, with brilliants and diamonds Average in RM: 1,500.00 [Total] RM: 23,824,500.00;

9,019 Ladies' gold wrist watches 250.00 2,254,750.00;

3,681 Gentlemen's gold pocket watches 500.00 1,840,400.00;

353 Bracelets with brilliants and diamonds 3,500.00 1,232,000.00;

1,716 Gold earrings with brill. and diam. 250.00 429,000.00;

2,497 Gold brooches with brill. and diam. 2,000.00 4,994,000.00;

130 Single large brilliants 1,000.00 130,000.00;

2,511.37 Carat Individual brilliants 100.00 251,137.00;

13,458.62 Carat Individual diamonds 50.00 672,931.00;

291 Tie pins with brilliants 100.00 29,100.00;

660 Gentlemen's gold wrist-watches 100.00 66,000.00;

458 Ladies' fob watches with brilliants 500.00 229,000.00.

273 Ladies' watches of platinum & brill. 1,200.00 327,600.00;

349 Ladies' gold fob watches 250.00 87,250.00;

362 Ladies' gold watches with brill. & diam. 600.00 317,200.00;

27 Armbands with brill. & diam. 250.00 6,750.00;

40 Gold brooches 350.00 14,000.00;

18 Cufflinks with brilliants 160.00 2,700.00;

114.20 Kg. Pearls 6,000,000.00;

63 Plat. & Brill. watch cases 1,000.00 63,000.00;

4 Ladies' platinum watches 300.00 1,200.00;

3 Gentleman's pocket watches with brill. 600.00 3,000.00;

4 Necklaces of brilliants and diamonds 1,500.00 6,000.00;

8 Ladies' golden ring-watches 150.00 1,200.00;

4 Ladies' fob watches with pearls 200.00 800.00;

18 Gold fountain pens 20.00 360.00;

5 Gold revolving pencils 15.00 75.00;

1 Gold cigarette case 400.00 400.00;

60,125 Watches of various kinds 10.00 601,250.00;

7.80 Kg. Coral 600.00;

3 Golden compacts 50.00 150.00;

103,614 Watches to be repaired 2.00 207,228.00;

29,391 Spectacles 3.00 88,173.00;

350 Shaving equipment 2.00 700.00;

800 Pocket knives 1.00 200.00;

3,240 Money purses 1.50 4,860.00;

1,315 Briefcases 2.50 3,287.50;

1,300 Scissors 0.50 750.00;

230 Flashlights 0.50 115.00;

6,943 Alarm clocks, to be repaired 1.00 6,943.00;

2,343 Alarm clocks, in order 4.00 9,372.00;

627 Sunglasses 0.50 313.50;

41 Silver cigarette cases 15.00 615.00;

230 Clinical thermometers 3.00 690.00;

Total: 43,662,150.00


1,901 Wagons of clothing, underclothing, bed feathers and rags to an average value of RM: 26,000,000.00;

Camp articles to an average value of 20,000,000.00

Total: 46,000,000.00

Total Compilation:

Currency delivered, Zlotys and RM-Notes: RM 73,852,080.74;

Precious metals RM 8,973,651.60;

Foreign currency in notes RM 4,521,224.13;

Foreign currency in gold coins RM 1,736,554.12;

Jewelry and other valuables RM 43,662,450.00;

Textiles RM 46,000,000.00;

Total RM 178,745,960.59

[signed] Rzepa SS Oberscharfuehrer and Chief of Cash Office

[signed] Wippern SS Sturmbannfuehrer and Chief of Administration

[sgd] Globocnik [=] [Rubber Stamp:] Personal Staff Reichsfuehrer SS, Ref. No. Secret/115

[initialled] H. H. [Himmler]

__________ Measures for Pacifying Foreign Nationals During Transfer of Populations


Poles who are fit for work have already been resettled during previous expulsions on so-called z-farms within the colonization area, with an increase of their former property. These z-farms form the nucleus of the z-village, where the German settlers and Polish workers are lodged. Not only do these Polish workers receive a guaranteed wage and an employment book, but their food supply is also cared for through the SWG.

Security Questions.

Only elements with a bad record will be expelled for security reasons. For this reason the security police are at present carrying out the following:

a.     Villages which lie within that part of the district of z-areas which is to be colonized will be combed for elements who are a danger to security, so that only the reliable part of the population will remain.

Villages which lie outside the colonization area and are considered to be bandit infested are subject to same action. The population mentioned under paragraph a will then be invited to emigrate voluntarily to the uninhabited farms mentioned under paragraph 1. By this action the colonization area will be free and can be colonized by Germans.

Security measures are always looked upon with understanding by the peaceful part of the population; this will therefore be a way to pacify the population.

The Question of Expropriation.

All Poles, including those who are being brought into the labor cycle in the Reich, are to be given certificates confirming what property they have left behind. They will be informed that they will receive a suitable compensation some time in the form of goods or cash. This applies also to those who have already been expelled to date. The certificates are to be issued by the DUT. I request the Reichsfuehrer SS to give his approval to this.

State Property.

Admission of the whole of the expelled population into State property is not possible because of the overcrowding of the space.

Time for Colonization.

Owing to the favorable weather, spring tilling can take place five weeks earlier than usual this season. Owing to this shift in time, colonization will be carried out after the completion of spring tilling. This has the advantage on the one hand that the Poles can till their fields normally and production will not be upset, while on the other hand the settlers will not run the risk of not being able, in view of the shortness of the time, to carry out their spring tilling, owing to ignorance of local conditions. The settlers will, therefore, have the benefit of the harvest, and their reconstruction work can be carried out without any hurry.

The classification into four groups could take place without any further ado, owing to the fact that Groups I and II, as racially valuable, have no objection to being transferred to the Reich anyhow; Group III, for the greater part, will remain here in any case, whereas Group IV will be sent for employment as laborers. The communications from persons previously sent to the Reich, reporting that they are getting on well there, and the people's realization of the fact that up to now nobody has been treated like the Jews have already taken away the frightening atmosphere surrounding this system of grouping. It is precisely in such cases that one has to await the results of measures; only then does the realization prevail. The rumor mongers are then proved to be liars without any further ado.

Again I request you to consider whether my former proposal to lodge the expelled Poles, and especially also the Ukrainians in the Eastern territories, especially the Ukraine, may not be feasible after all. I believe that there is not only sufficient space today because of the events of the war, but also that this form of transferring population with new allocations of land would have the best results and that it facilitates the expulsion. For the Ukrainians this would mean a return to their own area. A tendency in this direction exists already, and for the Poles it is a fact with which they have reckoned for a long time.

I therefore request the Reichsfuehrer SS to leave the hitherto existing measures as they are.

The above-mentioned facts may not have been known to governor Waechter when the report was made.

[signed] Globocnik SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lieut. General of Police

[Rubber stamp] Personal Staff, Reichsfuehrer SS Correspondence administration File No. Secret/115

Measures for the further transfer of populations

As many quarters express themselves against the transfer of populations on the grounds that it causes too much unrest among the foreigners, thus disturbing production, the following measures have been decided upon:

1.      Verbal propaganda will spread news about the discontinuation of these transfers.

No authority will announce anything before the actual moment when the transfer of populations is to be carried out. Planning will be done secretly.

The time for immigration will be fixed for after the spring tilling of the fields, so that the foreigners will carry out the cultivation of the land, and the new settlers will already be able to make use of the harvest. This has the advantage that, under the above mentioned presuppositions, the foreigners will till their fields in all districts, while the German settlers will not run the danger, in view of the shortness of the time, of possibly being hindered in their spring work.

The transfer of Poles should be carried out in such a manner that the good elements are put, as much as possible voluntarily, in districts cleared by the Security Police, and the transfer is entitled "The Establishment of Security in the Partisan districts". The bad elements will be taken away gradually, where they are not employed as auxiliary workers.

The announcement of the time of immigration will be made only on the day of the transfer of population. [=]

All villages will be occupied in advance by the "Landwacht" (country guard) in all parts of the organization formed by settlers, who, having received previous training, are to save the use of our own SS forces.

O. U. the 7/1/1943 [initialled] H. H. [Himmler]

1.      In the course of the security operation Werewolf I, the area roughly west of the points colonization area via Bilgoraj-Tarnogrod, bordered on the West by the district frontier, extending southwards are far as Belzec and from there along the road via Tomasgow to Zamosc as far as the southern border of the colonization area has been cleared of the native population.

The part to the South of the Bilgoraj wood will be handed over to the Ukrainians and in such a manner that-

a.     The Ukrainians already living there will receive more land up to an average area of 6 hectares, so that a part of the evacuated land will already be colonized in that way, and

Where there are too few native Ukrainians, Ukrainian families will be moved from the Hrubieszower area and resettled there. The Ukrainian inhabited area will thus be loosened there and ground will be freed adjoining the colonization area.

The Bilgoraj wood itself will be completely evacuated and will not be recolonized.

The part to the north of the Bilgoraj wood, limited roughly by the Tomasgow-Krasnobrod road and further, will also be newly colonized with Ukrainians as under 2b.

The area to the South of the present colonization area of Zamosc will thus remain vacant, and racial Germans and persons of German stock can be settled there. Persons of German stock from the district of Hrubieszow have already been collected for this purpose. This is all the more necessary as they are not being abandoned to Polishdom as stray Germans.

In the course of the operations, the towns of Tomasgow and Zamosc will also be evacuated of Poles, and Germans are to be settled there. Accordingly the Security operation would have the following effect:

                                 I.           The population of this area, who have lived on robbery and banditry for decades, is removed.

                             II.           About 30,000 workers are brought to the Reich.

                           III.           The territory surrounding the German settlement area will then be settled with Ukrainians, who form a sort of buffer and are more peacefully inclined toward Germandom.

                          IV.           In addition, as a result of this colonization, the state of tension of the Poles will be transferred to the Ukrainians, and they are turned into defense forces.

                             V.           A new agrarian structure arises as proletarian ownership disappears and an average farm area of 6 hectares is formed, which contributes to intensification and increased production.

                          VI.           The German colonization territory will be free for a further influx of Germans, this presupposing a security measure. But the German colonization territory will thereby be enlarged which helps toward the essential security of the territory. Pressure by the Poles can then be exerted only from the North and it is then easier to guarantee the security of the colonization territory from one side.

[Signed] Globocnik SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of Police. [=] Trieste, 11/4/1943

The Higher SS and Police Chief in the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Coastal Area. Gl./Go. Diary No. 225/43 [initialled] H. H. [Himmler]

To the Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police, Heinrich Himmler, Berlin

I concluded Operation Reinhardt, which I have been directing on the government-general, on 10/19/1943, and have dissolved all camps.

I take the liberty of submitting the attached portfolio to you, Reichsfuehrer, as my final statement.

My observations on Lublin showed that a special center of radiation existed in the government-general and particularly in the Lublin district, and I have tried, therefore, to capture these dangerous tendencies graphically. It may prove to be a good thing for the future if we can point to the elimination of this danger. I have, however, also endeavored to give a picture of the employment of labor, from which one can not only gather the extent of the work, but also with how few Germans this fatal effort was made possible. It has at any rate grown to such proportions today, that well known industries are interesting themselves in it.

I have meanwhile handed these labor camps over to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl.

Please, Reichsfuehrer, look through this portfolio.

During a visit, you, Reichsfuehrer, held out to me the prospect that a few Iron Crosses might be awarded for the special performances of this hard task after the work had been concluded. Please advise me, Reichsfuehrer, whether I may submit suggestions in this connection.

I beg to point out that such an award to the forces of the local SS and Police Chief was authorized for the work in Warsaw, which formed only a comparatively small part of the total work.

I should be grateful to you, Reichsfuehrer, for a positive decision regarding this matter, as I would like to see the hard work of my men rewarded.

Heil Hitler! [signed] Globocnik SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lieut. General of Police

Note for the files Action "Reinhardt" also comes under "Top Secret" 1851/43 Secret. [Initialed] H

Field-Command Post, 11/30/1943

The Reichsfuehrer SS RF/M

[Rubber Stamp] Personal Staff, Reichsfuehrer SS Correspondence Administration.

File No. Secret 155

To the Higher SS and Police Chief in the Adriatic Coast zone of operations, SS Gruppenfuehrer GLOBOCNIK


I confirm receipt of your letter dated 11/4/1943 and your notification regarding the termination of action Reinhardt. Also I thank you for the portfolio you sent me.

I express to you my thanks and my acknowledgment for the great and unique services which you have performed to the entire German people by carrying out the action Reinhardt.

Heil Hitler! Sincerely yours [signed] H. H. [H. Himmler] [=]








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